OOC Freedom to Vote Rally Toolkit | Aug. 6, 2022

Protect Our Freedom To Vote

Nobody knows our State and our communities better than us. We need to ensure this is a state where every Ohioan can cast a ballot and every ballot is counted so that the will of the people prevails. Join us Saturday, August 6, at the Statehouse where we will march for our freedom.


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Log on to your favorite social media site, such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Copy & Paste one of the sample messages below into your status update—or create your own message that includes the #FREEDOMTOVOTEhashtag.

Upload the saved image and post your status update (don’t forget to invite others to the conversation).


We are hosting a Twitter Storm on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 1:00pm.

We demand a better future for Ohio. That means going all in and fighting for fair district maps that protect our freedom to vote and represent all our communities. Fair maps also protect our families. They ensure excellent schools, safe neighborhoods, and the basic right to make our own medical/bodily decisions – no matter our race or income. Fair maps protect our basic freedoms. 

Our vote is our power. We pick our leaders, not the other way around. 

As Ohioans, we have the power to elect leaders who can best represent us. We see through the harmful lies being spread by Ohio Republicans and their useless tricks to divide us. That’s why this fall, we’re joining together in our communities to use our power to vote.


We encourage you to join us in tweeting on Saturday. Below we have included draft posts that you can customize.

We also ask you to consider joining us for a free breakfast and voter training session at the Sheraton in Capitol Square. Register below.



OOC Freedom to Vote Rally - Aug. 6, 2022

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No matter our race, background, or zip code, most of us believe that for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. To move forward together as Ohioans, we must ensure that every single one of us has the #FreedomToVote.

Celebrate the 57th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act by standing up for democracy with us! Join us for a powerful rally on August 6th at the Statehouse to fight for our freedoms:

LINK: https://actionnetwork.org/events/all-in-for-ohio-freedom-to-vote-rally-2

#Freedomtovote #OOC #OhioOrganizingCollaborative #Ohio #Democracy


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Announce Your Support for the #FreedomToVote Rally on Aug. 6!

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Black, white, or brown, we’re joining together to fight for our right to be heard and our votes to matter. Join us for a powerful rally at the Ohio Statehouse on August 6th, where we will celebrate the 57th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. #FreedomtoVote

Prior to the rally, we will also serve free breakfast and host an important voter training session at the Sheraton in Capitol Square. For more info and to RSVP, please register at this link: 

Register at this link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/all-in-for-ohio-freedom-to-vote-rally-2


We need to ensure this is a state where every Ohioan can cast a ballot & every ballot is counted so that the will of the people prevails. Join us  on Aug. 6 at the Statehouse, where we will march for our freedoms. Register at   https://actionnetwork.org/events/all-in-for-ohio-freedom-to-vote-rally-2  #FreedomToVote #VotingRightsNow #BeAVoter

Voting Rights - Facts and Tips

  • The goal of the non-partisan election protection program, known as the Ohio Election Protection program, is to ensure Ohio voters have the information they need in order to cast their ballot. They work to minimize barriers to the ballot box, particularly for under-represented communities

  • You do not lose the right to vote if you are convicted of a misdemeanor in Ohio. If you are incarcerated for a misdemeanor you should check voter registration status, register to vote if necessary, and request an absentee ballot from office administrators at your complex.

    You can vote while awaiting trial for any charge, even if incarcerated, as long as you have not lost your right to vote due to a prior conviction.

  • You lose the right to vote while incarcerated if you are convicted of a felony. If you are on parole, probation, or have fully completed your sentence, you may register to vote and cast a ballot.

    Please check your voter registration!

    The Ohio Secretary of State supports voters with registration, a list of polling locations, and contacts for each county's board of elections

    Find your polling location, track your ballot and check your voter registration with their Voter Toolkit

Media Advisory and Press Releases


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