Ohio General Election
Tuesday, November 5th, 2024
Election Day:
Polls Open 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Early Voting Open: October 8 - November 3
Vote-By-Mail Ballot Request Deadline: October 29
Absentee Ballots: Must be postmarked by November 4
Important Notes:
To ensure timely processing, please request your ballot by October 25.
We recommend not mailing your ballot after October 28 due to potential delays in mail service.
You can drop off your absentee ballot at the Board of Elections, but not at local polling places on Election Day.
Voter ID Information
A valid form of identification is required to vote early in person and on Election Day.
Did you know that Ohio’s voter ID laws have changed since the last election? To vote in person this year, Ohio voters must present one of these valid photo IDs when voting in person early and on election day – those include an Ohio Driver’s License, an Ohio State-Issued ID, a U.S. Passport, or a Military ID. If you are voting by mail/ absentee, you DO NOT need a photo ID to cast your ballot, but you must request a vote-by-mail ballot & return it on time to your county board of elections. Make sure you think through HOW you will vote based on what ID you have available.
A student ID is NOT a form of acceptable ID to vote.
Valid Forms of ID:
Ohio Driver's License
State of Ohio ID Card
Interim ID Form Issued by
the Ohio BMVA US Passport
Ohio State ID Example
A US Passport Card
US Military ID Card
Ohio National Guard ID Card
US Department of Veterans
Affairs ID Card.
Valid Photo ID Must also have the Following: An expiration date that has not passed, a photograph of the voter, and the voter’s name, which must substantially conform to the voter’s name as it appears in the Poll List or in the Poll Book. If you have an Ohio ID with an old address listed, this form of identification can be accepted when the voter is registered at their most current address. For more information on acceptable forms of ID, click here.
Forms of ID No Longer Accepted: a utility bill, a student ID, a Social Security card,
Vote Early In-Person Information
Early Vote Hours:
October 8-11 | 8 am to 5 pm | Tuesday to Friday
October 14-18 | 8 am to 5 pm | Monday to Friday
October 21-25 | 8 am to 6 pm | Tuesday to Friday
October 26 | 8 am to 4 pm | Saturday
October 27 | 1 pm to 5 pm | Sunday
October 28 | 7:30 am to 7:30 pm | Monday
October 29 | 7:30 am to 8:30 pm | Tuesday
October 30 - November 1 | 7:30 am to 7:30 pm | Wednesday to Friday
November 2 | 8 am to 4 pm | Saturday
November 3 | 1 pm to 5 pm | Sunday
Vote-by-Mail Information
Absentee Voting by Mail:
Begins Tuesday, October 8th
Absentee/Vote-By-Mail Request: Ohio voters now must use the official Ohio Secretary of State Absentee Ballot Request form to request a vote-by-mail ballot. You can fill out this form online, print it, and mail it to your county board of election office or you can go directly to your county board of election office to make the request in person. You CANNOT make a request to vote by mail online. Absentee Ballot Request Form.
Military & Overseas Absentee by Mail Voting: Begins September 20th and November 9th is the last day for BOE’s to receive these ballots. These ballots must be postmarked on or before November 4thand must be received by November 9th.
Vote-By-Mail Ballot Request Deadline: October 29th.
NOTE: OOC recommends requesting your ballot by October 25th due to slow mail times.
Vote-By-Mail Ballot Return Deadline: Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 4th and received by the Board of Elections by November 9th. If not returned by mail, they must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on election day.
NOTE: OOC recommends NOT mailing back a ballot after October 28th due to slow mail times. If you have not sent in your ballot via mail by 10/28, you should hand deliver it to your board of elections.